Thursday, January 1, 2015

Bringing in the New Year with a Tropical Green Smoothie

Welcome to 2015, everyone! Anyone else anxiously awaiting for a hovercraft to materialize on their front step?! Maybe a Back to the Future marathon is in order to see just how far off Michael J. Fox and the gang were in predicting what 2015 would be like. 

Instead, I'm settling for a Downton Abbey marathon accompanied by a cleansing green smoothie to help with the not so great food choices I made over the holidays. I'm going to share my favorite green smoothie recipe here, and I would love to hear yours in the comments. Happy New Year! 

Tropical Green Smoothie Recipe

- 1 cup whole plain yogurt
- 1 cup spinach
1½ cups  frozen tropical fruit mix (mango, pineapple, and strawberries)
- 1 banana 
¼ cup water 

Add all ingredients into blender in the order listed. Blend using puree setting for ~1 minute or until desired consistency. Serve with a straw, and enjoy! 

Note: if you notice the greens are not blending well enough, try blending the yogurt and spinach first and then adding the next 3 ingredients.